WhisperReporter Ascent Inspector Driven Innovation

WhisperReporter Ascent is designed to meet the needs of property inspectors throughout the world by providing complete report layout customization to create virtually any report desired.

Product Highlights

  • Fully customizable to create virtually any report and in any style
  • Integrated word processor with spellchecking, autocorrect and thesaurus
  • Multiple customizable workspace layouts with movable and dockable panels
  • RapidRemarks™: Customizable and fully formatted frequently used comments with quick insert
  • Embedded Picklists and Cloakable text
  • Automatically scaled digital images inserted anywhere in the report with full text wrap-around
  • Video capture and insertion in PDF reports
  • Built-in Image Editor
  • Auto summary generation using Linked Text and qualifiers
  • PDF creation with bookmarking
  • Editable Report Summary creation in RTF format (a.k.a. repair request list)
  • Signature capture
  • Email now supports multiple templates and can use HTML formatting.
  • Supports companion mobile app for Android and iOS (currently in beta test)
Any machine capable of running full Microsoft Windows™ 10 or later (This includes the new Microsoft Surface Go but only if switched out of S mode). Note: WhisperReporterV2 can run on a MAC OS system but only on Windows installed under Parallels or VMWare
Some hardware performance suggestions (Intel reference):
Good: i3 processer w/4GB RAM and 64GB storage
Better: i5 processer w/8GB RAM and 128GB+ storage
Best: i7 processer w/8GB+ RAM and 128GB+ storage
Compare with AMD processors here.
View Online Guide
See New Features under Introduction

This download of WhisperReporter Ascent is a demo version of the product which has limitations. The PDF created report will contain a message in the footer indicating that it is a trial version. If you wish to try out the product on an actual inspection that you can deliver to your customer, please request an evaluation license which will remove this trial message and provide an extended period in which to fully test drive the product. The 64bit demo is preferred for most installs.

Download 64bit Demo
Version (2025-01-17), 98 MB
Supports Windows 10/11, including Snapdragon based CPUs (Windows 11 only). Does not support Apex Sketch.
Download 32bit Demo
Version (2025-01-17), 93 MB
Supports Windows 10/11, including Snapdragon based CPUs. Supports Apex Sketch.
View change history

Purchasing of a license is provided securely through PayPal. You do not have to have an account with PayPal if paying by Credit Card, but can still use their services to process the Credit Card. PayPal also offers a six months same as cash option during Paypal Checkout (click here for more info). Note: Your purchase entitles you to software updates and phone support for one year. After that, there will be a annual fee to continue receiving these services which is not mandatory.

Price: $849.00 USD
8.25% Sales Tax applicable for sales in Texas

Purchasing a upgrade license is provided securely through PayPal. You do not have to have an account with PayPal if paying by Credit Card, but can still use their services to process the Credit Card. PayPal also offers a six months same as cash option during Paypal Checkout (click here for more info). This upgrade purchase option requires user to own a WhisperReporter (Version 1) software license which will be verified. Note: Your purchase entitles you to software updates and phone support for one year. After that, there will be a annual fee to continue receiving these services which is not mandatory.

Price: $349.00 USD
8.25% Sales Tax applicable for sales in Texas