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Footnotes can be added to provide additional information or citations about something provided in the main narrative.  Footnotes will appear at the bottom of the page where the footnote was inserted into the body of the comment.  The footnote indication in the comment will be a super-scripted number that corresponds to the additional information found a the bottom of the same page and prefixed with the same number.


To add a footnote, position the caret at the place in the comment where you want to add a footnote.  Either right click and select Insert > Footnote, or choose from the main menu Edit > Insert > Footnote. Hint: Use the Custom Toolbar to streamline insertion of footnotes.  Inserting a footnote will invoke an editor so that you can format the footnote as desired.  Initially, the editor window will be zoomed in at 150% of normal because footnotes tend to use a smaller font than used in a report, and this makes it easier to enter the footnote.  You can set the default font, size and color in Preferences > Fonts > Default Font for Footnotes.


Currently you cannot edit a footnote.  If you have the need to correct one, you would have to delete it and re-add it.  To delete a footnote, just delete the super-scripted number related to the footnote to be deleted as if it was just any other character.  Since the footnote numbers are auto-generated and dynamic, they will be different in the editor vs when the report is generated.  You may have to view the editor in Page View mode by right clicking and selecting Editor View Mode > Page View in order to see the footnotes at the bottom of the page showing the local, pre-report generation, numbering. (Text View mode does not display the footnote text).