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In WhisperReporter Ascent, Tags are used as placeholders for common or repetitive text. This could be your office’s name, a report number, or a custom tag that you create. Tags are auto-filled from a variety of locations including:

1.The General Report Information section on the main screen.

2.Setup > Inspector > Inspector Manager information from the main menu.

3.Setup > Company > Company Manager Information from the main menu.


Here is a common tag: <$Co:Name>. Tags consist of a “Less than” symbol, a dollar sign, the source, and a “Greater than” symbol. This string of text is automatically replaced with the “source” when the report is printed or print previewed. When the source of a tag is empty, the tag will also be empty on the report.




See also:

Creating Custom Tags

Inserting Tags into a Template or Report

Level Tags

Linked Text Tags

Date Tags