RapidRemark Views

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RapidRemark Views

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A RapidRemark View is a collection of RapidRemarks that are assigned to a topic.  A RapidRemark View allows WhisperReporter Ascent to only display the RapidRemarks that are relevant to a particular topic.  In this way, the report creator does not have to look through the entire library of RapidRemarks to find the one they want.  A RapidRemark View is usually assigned to a single topic, but can be assigned to multiple topics if the RapidRemarks are relevant to each of them.


When creating a new topic, the default view is “<none>”.  Change the RapidRemark View by clicking the down arrow in the RapidRemark View field.  To see which RapidRemarks are included in a view or to create a new library view, press the settings gear icon to the far right of the RapidRemark View dropdown.


See also:

RapidRemark View Manager