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WhisperReporter Ascent integrates with NxtInspekt Administrative Software which is used for scheduling inspections and hosting inspection reports.   Integration includes support for downloading inspection date, client, property, realtor, services and fee information, as well as support for uploading an inspection report and summary report.


To create a new report in WhisperReporter Ascent using a NxtInspekt Appointment, you will click the [NxtInspekt Lookup...] button in the New Report dialog:




This will invoke a dialog showing NxtInspekt Appointments to choose from.  By default, the date range is from the current date through the next 30 days (if you change the date, you must click the [Refresh] button to update the grid).  You can select to just show specific statuses: Confirmed Appointments Only, Signed Appointments Only, or All Scheduled and Signed Appointments (selecting a new appointment status will automatically update the grid).  The selected appointment will be used to pull various inspection details into the new WhisperReporter Ascent report:




In addition to picking the Appointment to use, you can select to override the default report number that WhisperReporter Ascent auto-generates.  You can also optionally create the services and fees in WhisperReporter Ascent that had been set up in the NxtInspekt Appointment.


Once an Appointment is selected, you are returned back to the New Report dialog to review.


See also:

NxtInspekt Configuration

NxtInspekt Upload

Inspector Manager