Cloakable Text Bulleted Lists

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Cloakable Text Bulleted Lists

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Cloakable text can be used to quickly fill out bulleted lists. The most common list items are each individually made cloakable. The report writer can then quickly go through and make visible the items that apply to the current report.


In this example we are building a list of additional services performed. The report writer can choose as many list items as apply.  Additional items can be added to the end of the list if needed.  In this case two of the items have been made visible. The software will automatically squish the list together and renumber the items as it is a numbered bulleted list.  There won’t be any unusual spaces in the list and you do not have to spend time deleting unused items.


As viewed in the editor:

CloakableText - Bullets1


As viewed in the generated report:

CloakableText - Bullets2