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Videos, including audio, can be imported from existing video files or captured directly from your webcam.  When inserted into a report and a PDF is created, the end user can play the embedded video using the recommended Adobe Acrobat Reader by double-clicking on the video image shown in the report.  Note: some PDF readers are very basic and do not support the opening of embedded files such as mp4 video files.


The videos you include in the report should be short, such as only a few seconds long because videos can take up a large amount of storage and could make the PDF file quite large.  The size will depend on the encoding quality you choose in the WhisperReporter Ascent tools when loading or capturing video.


Note: Videos captured on an iOS device may default to HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding or H.265) format.  This format is not currently widely supported and is not currently supported by the video tools we use and may require a CODEC not freely available on Windows platforms at the time of this writing.  You will need to configure your iOS device to either capture in mp4 format, or configure it to automatically convert it to mp4 when transferring to a Windows PC.


See also:

Loading Videos

Capturing Video