Scheduling Services

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Scheduling Services

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WhisperReporter Ascent integrates with three third party Scheduling Services: ISN (Inspection Support Services), NxtInspekt Administrative Software, and InspectionGo Keystone and is configured under the Inspector Manager.


WhisperReporter Ascent can download scheduled inspection information into a new report being created in WhisperReporter Ascent, saving you from entering the information more than once.  Information that can be downloaded include: client and property information; inspection date, services and fees; realtor information.


If you create a PDF report in WhisperReporter Ascent and the report was created using either of these services, then you will be given the opportunity to upload the PDF report to that respective service.  This upload opportunity is also available for the Summary Report feature of WhisperReporter Ascent.


See also:



InspectionGo Keystone

Inspector Manager

Summary Report