Loading Images

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Loading Images

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There are several ways to load images into WhisperReporter Ascent:


Click on the Insert Photo (scaled) InsertPhoto or Insert Diagram (unscaled) InsertDiagram toolbar icon to insert one or more images into the report where the text cursor is positioned.

Use the Tools > Pre-load Additional Photos (scaled)... or Pre-load Additional Diagrams (not scaled)... menu items.

Right-click anywhere on the white space area of the unused image panel and select Pre-load Additional Photos (scaled)... or Pre-load Additional Diagrams (not scaled)...

Use the [Quick Load New Photos] button QuickImageLoad on either the All Images toolbar or the Unused Images toolbar.  This loads images from a pre-defined image path configured using the [Pre-Define the photos folders Path] button QuickImageLoadPath just to the left of the quick load button.  See Images for more information.


For the first three methods above, browse to the image(s) you would like to add, select as many as you want, and click “Open”. Depending on your preferences setting, you might be given the option to add a border to the uploaded images based on your preference setting.  The border can be either a shadow effect or a solid border (see "Preferences > Images > Add border on load into database > Border Settings" to set a default border effect).  Borders can be added to specific images later using the Image Editor if you prefer.


Note: Photos scale particularly well and it is recommended that you always use that option when bringing in photos.  Diagrams and documents you may have scanned in do not usually scale well and it is recommended that you use the diagram option when bringing in those kind of images.  Unscaled images will be larger, so experiment to see what works best for the intended use of the image.


See also:


Image Preferences