Cloakable Text to Pull In a RapidRemark

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Cloakable Text to Pull In a RapidRemark

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In the same manner that an enhanced picklist item can pull in a RapidRemark, so can enhanced cloakable text.


When uncloaking enhanced cloakable text, if the cloakable text starts with a single caret (^), it will use the cloakable text after the caret as the RapidRemark description to search on.  The cloaked text will be replaced with a matching RapidRemark if it matches a RapidRemark description in the current list of RapidRemarks for the current topic based on the current search setting for the RapidRemark AutoPaste.  Using a double caret (^^) will perform a global search of all RapidRemarks.  The look-up will return the first one found, so be sure to use unique descriptions for your RapidRemarks.


For the single caret method, if the RapidRemark AutoPaste search method is set to search anywhere in the RapidRemark description then the description after the caret is treated as individual tokens.  In this case, a case-insensitive partial match is performed for each token.  If a match is found, then the first matching RapidRemark is inserted.  For example, if the RapidRemark had a description of "Window is broken", a picklist entry of ^win brok or even ^brok win will match.


For the double caret method, the text following the double caret much match the RapidRemark description exactly so as to be more precise since it is a global search of all RapidRemarks.


If the RapidRemark is not found, it will simply uncloak the cloakable text.  Once a RapidRemark is found and inserted, the RapidRemark completely replaces the cloaked that it was inserted with.  You can also include additional enhanced cloakable text within the RapidRemark which can provide for elaborate multi-paragraph construction.