Printing RapidRemarks

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Printing RapidRemarks

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You can print all or a set of RapidRemarks.  This output can be used for reference or for editing outside of WhisperReporter Ascent.  In the RapidRemarks Manager, select the folder or RapidRemark you want to generate a report from and then click the [Print Selection] button.  If you selection is a folder, it will use that folder and all of its child folders in the production of the report.




If you use the default Folder and RapidRemark layouts and the Rich Text Format (RTF) file format, the RTF result will be in a format that can be used to restore them back into WhisperReporter Ascent using the Tool: Import Data From Other Sources > RTF > Formatted Comments as RapidRemarks.




You can also print them to an Excel XLS or XLSX file which can also be used to import them using the Tool: Import Data From Other Sources > Excel > Narratives as RapidRemarks.  However, while the RTF approach can maintain any text attributes and tables, the Excel approach saves as plain text, losing any attributes, including tables.  When importing the Excel file, you will be able to specify the font and size to use for the RapidRemarks that are imported.

