Update Linked Text

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Update Linked Text

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Provides the ability to change linked text qualifiers from one qualifier to another, adding additional qualifiers, or removing the $LinkedText attribute entirely, as well as updating the prefix/numbering attribute.




Change existing Linked Text attributes as follows

Select the Qualifier you wish to modify and how you want that Qualifier updated.

Removing the Qualifier - It will remove the existing qualifier specified, and if there are no remaining qualifiers for that linked text, it will remove the Linked Text attribute

Updating the Qualifier to - Use this option to change the selected qualifier to a different qualifier

Updating the Prefix/Numbering attribute to - You can use this to modify whether to allow prefix numbering or not.


Add an additional Qualifier where

Select the Qualifier you wish to add to.

Linked Text already contains a Qualifier of - You can select to apply to all Linked Text items by choosing "- any qualifier -" from the dropdown, or just add one to those that already have a specific qualifier.

Add a Qualifier of - Select the qualifier you want to add


Add the following Linked Text attribute if the text has none

Select a Qualifier to add to text that is not already linked.  This can be useful if you have a set of RapidRemarks that you have not yet setup to always appear in the summary.


See Also:

Linked Text