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The Themes feature is a way to provide some personalization and modernization of the user interface experience in addition to using individual Styles and Color Options for the toolbars and editor.  Themes is a quick way to set the WhisperReporter Ascent environment based on programmed pre-sets.


Using Setup > Theme (Pre-set Style and Colors), you can select from the following:

Uses the out-of-box default settings for Style, Toolbar and Editor colors.

This will set the Style, Toolbar and Editor colors based on your last manually chosen selections for those items.

Light Gray
Variations that represents a light gray environment (gray toolbar and dialogs, black text on a light gray backgound for the editor).

Light Blue
Variations that represents a light blue environment (blue toolbar and dialogs, black text on white background).

Dark Gray
Variations that represents a dark gray environment (dark gray toolbar, dialogs and editor with white text).