Hint Panel

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Hint Panel

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The hint panel is a space to provide instruction for the active topic. It can be found along the bottom of the program in the yellow panel by default.




This panel can be undocked, moved and docked elsewhere or unpinned as a pullout when needed.  This panel can also be made larger and smaller by moving the top edge up (larger) and down (smaller). The hint is usually just instructions on requirements for the topic and can act as reminders for those who have filled in the template before and can guide those who have not. The hint panel is intended to apply to the topic as a whole. Unlike cloaked text when used as an instruction, which typically would only apply to part of a topic.


You can re-size the text in the panel by right clicking on the hint panel and use the Set Zoom menu item to pick from several zoom percentages.  You can also hold the Ctrl key down and use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.  On a tablet you can even use your fingers to pinch zoom in and out.


See also:

Managing Hints