Editing a new or existing RapidRemark View

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Editing a new or existing RapidRemark View

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Opening the RapidRemark View Manager presents this form:




1.Use the navigator in the left pane to find the view you would like to modify.

2.Use the right pane to select or unselect the desired RapidRemark folders to be associated with the selected view.  Either click on the small symbols to expand/collapse folders or use the keyboard right/left arrow keys to expand/collapse nodes as you traverse the tree structure. Expanding a folder will show its subfolders (if any).

3.Once you are satisfied with your edits, click [Apply] to save the changes and/or [OK] to save and close out of the RapidRemark View manager.  Any new RapidRemarks in the folders you added to the RapidRemark View are now available when editing a report.  If you would like to link the view to a different or a second topic, go on to Linking RapidRemark Views to Topics.  If not, close out of the Report View Manager to return to the main WhisperReporter Ascent Screen.