Creating a new template

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Creating a new template

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To create a new template, invoke the New Report dialog as if you were starting a new report (see Beginning a new Report).  In the lower left of that dialog, there is a link that reads "Click here to create a new 'virgin' template instead".  Clicking in that link invokes the new template dialog:




Steps to complete the initial template creation:


1.Give your new template a name that best represents what this template will be, such as "Single Family Home" for example.

2.Specify the Report View that best utilizes the report structure.

3.Optionally specify a Work View if any exist for the report View selected that best utilizes the inspection method.

4.Optionally preselect any topic checkboxes that are present in the Report View selected.

5.Click [OK]


The new report template will be created and opened where you can add additional customization, such as adding picklists, cloakable text, etc to various topics.


See also:

Creating a template from an exiting report or template

Beginning a new Report