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WhisperReporter Ascent has a few options for adjusting how all chapters that are assigned the Layout you are editing will be printed.


Fixed Text

You can use the space between the header and footer to input text that you would like to always appear on chapters and that you do not want the report writer to change. This may be useful if you need to always include a heading and/or a liability paragraph.  Like the headers and footers, this text will not be seen until the report is printed or print-previewed.


Page Properties

To change margin widths or page orientation, click the "Mange Page Properties" button ManagePageProperties on the tool bar to launch the Page Layout window. In this window you can set paper size (letter, legal, etc…), Margins (left, right, top and bottom), header and footer heights and page orientation (Portrait vs. Landscape).  All topics contained within a chapter assigned with this layout will follow the page properties defined here.



If you would like the chapter to always start on a new page, check off the “Always Start On New Page” check box under the layout usage statistics.  A chapter is also automatically started on a new page if the chapter's layout is different than the previous chapter's layout.


When finished click [OK] to close the Chapter Layout Manager or click [Apply] to apply your changes and make additional changes to this or another chapter layout.


See also:

Level Tags